The Story
The story of Traumatica – Festival of Fear
Traumatica Story 2024

The haze between fiction and reality is becoming ever thinner in the world of Traumatica as a new dark force begins to creep in and take control. Disguised by the inconspicuous, everyone is tempted to step a little closer and thus walks into their own downfall. Bit by bit, the darkness takes over everything and everyone.
The once thriving Festival of Fear now feels like a small world trapped in a bubble and part of a much larger, darker and more malevolent universe controlled by evil forces.

While Grim and his crazy clowns gather a collection of freaks around them and the festival atmosphere begins to take hold, Madame Monroe’s inner circle of witches have managed to pierce the veil and open a gate through which darkness can enter the festival grounds.
This is just the beginning and the whole universe of Traumatica is slowly becoming visible. An ever-growing collection of dark, twisted worlds and timelines, all brought together under the guise of ‘Traumatica Pictures’ to invade our minds and push the boundaries of human fear.

Traumatica Story 2023

The Festival of Fear has spread fear and terror. The residents feel comfortable in their new home, which they have made their own and they are not going to leave it any time soon. But fate has a few surprises in store for the residents.
It’s business as usual at the wax museum: As in every museum, new exhibits are expected to attract the crowds at the Traumatica – Festival of Fear wax museum! After working hard on some newly acquired exhibits last year, they are now ready to be presented in the new exhibition. ‘Traumatica Tales’ looks back at some of our nostalgic Factions.
After the successful opening of Skin Deep, everyone was able to convince themselves of the beauty of the employees. But beauty is, of course, in the eye of the beholder. To bring the guests a little closer to the art of creation, this time they can take a look behind the scenes.
Family first! This is an important guiding principle among the residents of Traumatica – Festival of Fear. This motto is especially important in the Petting Zoo. This year, it’s wedding time! As a guest of honour, you are always greeted in a friendly manner, but on closer inspection something doesn’t seem quite right at this celebration.
Madame Monroe feels comfortable in her abode, even if she is not completely alone. She is stronger than ever and puts her powers to the test ensuring everyone is brought to their knees in fear. With the right support, she should always succeed…

Welcome to the Funhouse! Grim and his gang really warmed up last year. Anyone who thought that was all, shall be proven wrong. Rehearsals are over, now it’s showtime!
Grim has also brought his imaginary friend Wakala with him again. Actually, Wakala used to be a good creature. But that changed after he devoured Grim’s heart when he was still a child. Now, Wakala wants to eat everyone who, according to him, is a bad person. Every last one of them.
He is only visible to humans and to Grim, but not to all other beings of Traumatica. With his large figure, white, bloodstained fur and wide grin, he spreads fear and terror in the blink of an eye.
The unpredictable has happened behind dark trees and fields and no one knows exactly what is hiding there. There is only one way to find out: close your eyes and go for it!
After things kept disappearing and one or two shadows were discovered by Grim and his friends in the dead of night, there is now certainty: they are back! Not all Resistance were turned into their own kind by the Rotters. They were able to save themselves underground to prepare for the counterattack. However, they are clearly outnumbered. In order to gain the necessary superiority, they need volunteers to join the Taskforce. This is the only way to defeat the Resistance Rotters. Are you ready to strike back with all your might?

Traumatica Story 2022

After the Rotters have multiplied and attacked the bunker of the Resistance, there was no more mercy. Despite the Resistance’s military experience and sheer will to survive, they never stood a chance… no one survived. Those who were bitten morphed into Rotters or were killed by others straight away in order to save them from this terrible fate – until even the last one was wiped out. The Resistance are history and the Rotters are wondering aimlessly around the Traumatica area in order to find more victims.
Once the fight was over, the Factions have withdrawn.
Dragoş Shadowborn was looking for a way to survive together with his supporters and found one. He lures his victims in with a wax figure museum and once they think themselves safe, they become part of the exhibition. In order to conserve the blood, the food is being cast in wax and stored. To make sure there will be something left if times turn worse again.
The Pack has fled, only few stayed behind. And that turned out to be a mistake. The travelling people which had settled on the deprived area of Rulantica, has captured the last Packs of their kind. They spend the rest of their miserable lives as attractions in the petting zoo or as pets of the dancers of Skin Deep. Their clubhouse has been turned into a table dance bar and motel, which lures in visitors with the beauty of each individual body part.
In the petting zoo, however, individual members of the Pack are not the main attraction. Between creatures in cages and all kinds of attractions, there is always something new to discover. But the zoo’s manager’s hunger can’t be stilled. And that’s why they need more supplies.

There are also only few of the Fallen left, some of them work as servants for Dragoş Shadowborn in the wax museum, desperately hoping to become part of the Shadows somehow after all. But Madame Monroe, the fortune-teller, has brought another guest which pushes the remaining Fallen deeper and deeper into madness. Anyone else who sets foot in the house shall have their souls brutally ripped out without hesitation.
The relentless Ghouls stayed in their cave and investigated the new creatures from there. Because Dragoş Shadowborn needed the home of the Ghouls as his food storage, they made a deal – the conserved bodies could be stored there and in return, the Ghouls would get the few visitors who miraculously made their way all the way to the catacombs of the wax museum…
The Resistance’s bunker has been empty for a long time and caught the eye of one of the Travellers: Grim and his gang. What more could clowns want than a lonely place with plenty of opportunity to set up traps?! Using anything and everything they could find on the abandoned area, they perfected the Funhouse. And everyone, of course, was very welcome. Only few manage to leave the house once they have entered. One thing that will stay for sure is your mind…

Monster maker Bill McCoy is on a quest to create the ultimate horror experience for ‘Traumatica’. With the help of his team, he wants to create the perfect monster. To do this, he is developing a special horror boot camp in which talented amateur actors learn the art of scaring in 90 days and transform themselves into real monsters with the help of Hollywood make-up.